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  • Photo du rédacteurNatacha de Santignac

I have a dream

La splendeur sauvage du Rhône, Saint-Maurice, Suisse
La splendeur sauvage du Rhône, Saint-Maurice, Suisse

Dear Mia,

I have a dream that one day human beings will stop believing they own Planet Earth and that they can do to her whatever pleases them to.

I have a dream that one day, everywhere on Planet Earth, women will be treated with respect and not just as objects.

I have a dream that one day animals will have rights and stop being considered as pets or pests.

I have a dream that one day trees and plants will be allowed to grow wildly.

I have a dream that one day rivers will run freely.

I have a dream that one day oceans will be clean and whales happy again.

I have a dream that one day people will really care to preserve Planet Earth.

I have a dream that one day someone will acknowledge the heritage of worldwide native cultures!

Le carnet de Natacha "I have a dream" créé pour Mia
Le carnet de Natacha "I have a dream" créé pour Mia

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